Other SCPs will be encountered in a different order almost every time, with the exclusion of 173 always being the first.There is a specific sequence of events that must be followed for each ending, which can be viewed in more detail on the SCP:CB wiki, as it is too much to explain here. Since the map is procedurally generated (unless a seed is used), there’s no specific directions to the exit. There are four different endings to the game, however all of them share that common goal. The main objective of the game is to escape the facility.It really depends on the specific circumstances of each encounter. My best advice is to always blink immediately before opening a door and to make sure that there are at least two closed doors between you and 173, unless you are in an emergency (such as being pursued by 106) in which one door may be sufficient. When you’re not looking in 173’s direction, he is capable of opening doors. You can look away from 173 when there is a door between the two of you, however be careful.Hello u/JustGonnaLeave, welcome to the world of SCP:CB! That's pretty much it, I would appreciate any discussion and tips, and I hope my post won't be ignored, so thank you for your time if you have read this and plan on commenting! What are some things a new player should know when starting? Pretty much exactly what I said, so I don't have much to add. If I ever were to actually progress in the game, what other SCPs would I start to encounter?

When do I start to encounter other SCPs? And when I do, what would I first encounter? I want to know this because I haven't made it past the first part of the game and that is right after opening sequence. I get lost and then I see SCP-173 again and he usually causes me to panic and I die. What is your main priority once the opening sequence to the game is over? I usually don't know where to go, become paranoid, and just go into random rooms as I make my way through the facility. How do I escape SCP-173? I know to maintain eye contact with 173, but can I close doors behind me as I flee? Or does that count as broken eye contact? I just want to hear some tips regarding him, and your ways to avoid him. Anyways, I just wanted to hear some tips and I do in fact have the following questions regarding some SCPs and game mechanics: Hello, r/scpcontainmentbreach, I have recently begun playing SCP - Containment Breach and I am a bit overwhelmed as the game throws you right in and you really just have to open random doors until you find gear.