Right-click the main executable and change it’s compatibility to Windows 7 and the game will run. This can be resolved easily by going to the game install folder and renaming dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll Helicopters and airplanes Technical Specifications: Titleġ The procedure entry point CreateDXGIFactory2 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll. You must take some risk in order to live here. Local bosses seek his services, crooked cops require his assistance, and street gangs require his body. He now has only one goal: to take vengeance on his foes until this terrible city fully destroys him. The main character of the game, a thief from one of the gangs, was betrayed during the bank raid, and he only managed to survive by a miracle. Several mafia groups have long divided this city into territories of dominance, with violent battles happening on occasions. This game story is set in Liberty City, a metropolis in the early 2000s.

This GTA III PC edition includes HD textures and lots of improvements. SOUND CARD: DirectX Compliant Sound card.

This is the 10-year Anniversary HD edition of GTA 3 released by Rockstar Games. VIDEO CARD: 4 GB of Video Memory and NVIDIA Gefore GTX 780 or GeForce GTX 1060, AMD Radeon R9 290X. Grand Theft Auto III (GTA 3) download for Windows PC.